The proposed scheme will contribute to the county’s growing need for clean electricity generation. In recent years solar power has become more cost effective and therefore, can be constructed and operated without government subsidies.
It will make a vital contribution to achieving the Government’s commitment to net zero carbon emissions and completely greening the electricity network by 2035.
The site is relatively well contained, however, there are Public Rights of Way that pass within and are located adjacent to the site. Any views from these Public Rights of Way will be managed through gapping up of existing hedgerows and planting of new hedgerows where required to screen the development from any views.
Visibility of the development will be very low, and in most cases the site will not be visible from the settlement of Tamworth, from properties to west, or from properties and roads to the south. This is due to the topography of the site, existing vegetation and proposed planting. Any glimpsed views will be broken up by mature field boundary vegetation.
Solar farms typically take up a small proportion of the land they occupy, leaving huge scope for biodiversity enhancements. Research has shown that solar farms can play an important role in reducing the decline in biodiversity. The proposed management plan will prioritise broad leaved plants, grasses and other vegetation that encourage butterflies, bumblebees and birds to flourish.
Tamworth Solar Ltd are committed to using local suppliers during construction and operation, which will benefit the local economy.
The proposal has been designed to allow Sheep to be able to graze between and underneath the panels to provide the dual benefit of agriculture and energy generation.